QA test

Landing Header Sub Title
QA test
Landing Header Sub Title
Flip Card Block Heading *
Flip Card Block Heading * Flip Card Block Heading * Flip Card Block Heading *Flip Card Block Heading *Flip Card Block Heading * Flip Card Block Heading *
Back subheading
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Subheading SubheadingSubheading SubheadingSubheading vSubheading
Subheading SubheadingSubheading SubheadingSubheading vSubheading
Subheading SubheadingSubheading SubheadingSubheading vSubheading
Subheading SubheadingSubheading SubheadingSubheading vSubheading

Immigrants' Rights

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What Jails Cost

Criminal Justice

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Politics of Crime and Safety

Read more
Data Visualization Source Credit
Data Visualization Source Credit

Main Heading Main Heading


This is rich text and if the large images This is the tooltip content, right here. design break and content overflow is hidden. This is rich text and testing if the large images design break and content overflow is hidden This is rich text and testing if the large images design break and content overflow is hidden This is rich text and testing if the large images design break and content overflow is hidden This is rich text and testing if the large images design break and content overflow is hidden This is rich text and testing if the large images design break and content overflow is hidden

Please blank if no eyebrow
This is Headline This is Headline
Description Please limit your characters to 300 Description Please limit your characters to 300 Description Please limit your characters to 300 Description Description Please limit your characters to 300 Description Please limit your characters
Data Visualization Title Data Visualization Title

ererv dfadsf sdfsd

sfasdas afdaer ae sfasdas afdaer ae sfasdas afdaer ae

asfasdf vsdgfshgnfghetrg efgdfdcvxcvdfdn vxfgsdfg asfasdf vsdgfshgnfghetrg efgdfdcvxcvdfdn vxfgsdfg

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Our Work

Vera Action harnesses the power of advocacy, lobbying, and political strategy to end mass incarceration, protect immigrants’ rights, restore dignity to people behind bars, and build safe and thriving communities. Vera Action harnesses the power of advocacy, lobbying, and political strategy to end mass incarceration, protect immigrants’ rights, restore dignity to people behind bars, and build safe and thriving communities.

Our Resources

Research and polling to drive change in the criminal legal and immigration systems. Research and polling to drive change in the criminal legal and immigration systems. Research and polling to drive change in the criminal legal and immigration systems.

this is dxdy

caption Left Background image right Background image

Eyebrow Text Please blank if no eyebrow
Heading * Please limit your characters to 80
Description Please limit your characters to 300 Description Please limit your characters to 300
Component Size * Select the size of the Component, Large by default
Component Size * Select the size of the Component, Large by default
Component Size *Component Size * Select the size of the Component, Large by default Select the size of the Component, Large by default
This is headline This is headline
This is headline This is headline This is headline This is headline This is headline This is headline This is headline
Author Byline Author Byline Author Byline Author Byline
Key Point Title
Key Point Title Description Key Point Title Description Key Point Title Description Key Point Title Description Key Point Title Description
Disproportionate media coverage
Disproportionate media coverage of sensational outliers does a disservice to our ability to see the real trends in how crime impacts elections. On reform prosecutors, national media outlets intensely covered Chesa Boudin and the well-funded San Francisco district attorney recall campaign, ...
voters would be reasonable
On bail reform, voters would be reasonable in thinking the entire country has soured on pretrial justice based on the negative coverage of New York’s bail law. Yet many jurisdictions have adopted or passed meaningful bail reform in recent years—including the 2021 SAFE-T Act in Illinois, ...
Shelby County
a landmark bail settlement last year2023 in Shelby County (Memphis), Tennessee, and in June 2023, a huge legal victory in Los Angeles to increase cite and release without bail for people charged with nonviolent offense ...
Jurisdictions have adopted or passed meaningful bai
On bail reform, voters would be reasonable in thinking the entire country has soured on pretrial justice based on the negative coverage of New York’s bail law. Yet many jurisdictions have adopted or passed meaningful bail reform in recent years—including the 2021 SAFE-T Act in Illinois, ...