Newly Released FBI Crime Stats Indicate a Continued Decline, Despite Overwhelming Political Noise
September 23, 2024

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Today’s release of the FBI’s new 2023 national crime data reveals that crime continues to decline across the U.S. Violent crime overall declined by 3 percent in 2023, following a 1.7 percent decrease in 2022. In response to these new figures, Vera Action released the following statement from its director, Insha Rahman

“During an election year where crime has been used as a political cudgel and a racist dog whistle, these crime statistics—gathered from over 16,000 law enforcement agencies that represent the majority of American cities and towns—offer a reality check on the rhetoric. Crime is down, even though some politicians peddle a very different story. Communities are safer, but we know there is still more work to do until everyone feels safe. Some of the highlights from the data include:

  • The most significant decline was in “murder and non-negligent manslaughter” which fell by 11.6 percent in 2023 compared to 2022.
  • Cities with a population of 1 million or more saw the most significant drops in crime, averaging a nearly 7 percent decline. This includes cities like Philadelphia, Phoenix, and San Diego.
  • Crime remains an evolving issue that demands tested solutions. Overall, motor vehicle thefts went up by 12.6 percent in 2023 compared to the previous year.

“Behind these statistics is a story of government and community coming together and investing in proven solutions. For example, in Baltimore, a region long associated with high rates of crime, the Baltimore Police Department recorded a historic decline in cases of violent crime, noting over a 7 percent decrease. Since taking office, the local mayor has encouraged strong police-community partnerships, opened up new after-school programs and mental health and drug treatment services, and increased the investment in community violence intervention. The results speak for themselves. This story repeats itself across hundreds of cities and towns—from St. Louis to New Orleans.

“As candidates continue to campaign with 43 days remaining until the election, this new data must be front and center to break through the fearmongering and rhetoric. As several rounds of public opinion research have shown, voters see through the “‘tough-on-crime” dog whistles and reject those politics of the past. This new data is an opportunity, in the final stretch of election season, for candidates and campaigns to broker a more honest, accurate debate about what makes communities truly safe. Voters deserve nothing less.”


Vera Action is an independent but aligned 501(c)(4) organization to the Vera Institute of Justice 501(c)(3). At Vera Action, we harness the power of advocacy, lobbying, and political strategy to end mass incarceration, protect immigrants’ rights, restore dignity to people behind bars, and build safe and thriving communities.